
Saturday, February 16, 2002, Mountainview Avenue:
Moving Day:


----- Original Message -----

From: FrankDC@aol.com To: softball@learnersgate.org Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 9:04 PM Subject: notes for the guys

Hi guys,
I was over at Jay's today helping them move, and here's a few things that Sal & Steve Rod wanted you to know:
Jackets look like they're gonna cost around $150, so get that money to Sal or Steve as soon as possible. They're working on maybe getting a cheaper, windbreaker-with-lining style for the kids, so tell them if you'd prefer that or the full-priced jackets for the kids.
Steve says he's having his team celebration party for the guys on March 2nd. Check with him for details.
Frank Rod says he's gonna have the guys and girls over either March 9th or the weekend after, to hang out, play pool, jacuzzi, listen to his jukebox, whatever.
And here's a true story (you won't friggin' believe this): We're helping Jay load the truck, and Hot Rod actually had to carry two boxes and a chair. He's exhausted. So we get the truck over to the new house, and start luggin' stuff up the stairs, and Steve disappears for a little while. We figure he's buying beer, right? A few minutes later, him and Whigger are driving up Mountainview Avenue with 3 Mexicans in the back seat. Steve Rod had gone down to the corner and hired the three guys for the day! I'm still laughing so hard I keep making typing errors trying to tell the story! So he grabs the cooler and goes upstairs to sit down and supervise and tell the guys where to put Jay's shit, right, and I overhear him telling the Mexicans to bring up the rocking chair first, so he can sit on it!
Hot Rod is a freakin' legend in my book!
I can't wait 'til spring training!
PS - Pass the jacket and party news on to the guys who aren't online, if you see them around.

Whigger replies:

let's not forget this story, after i come back with the hired help, im walking over to my car and i hear decelie, standing by his trunk, go, "OH SHIT, OH SHIT", but it wasn't the same "oh shit" i hear from right field as i field the ball that just went through his legs, no this was different. so i go over to him and he's standing there with the top half of his key in his hand and the other half in the trunk lock!! so, decelie says he's screwed, his phone is in the car and his wife wont be able to get in touch with him and she's expecting him. we notice that the trunk had at least opened before the key broke and then decelie has a brainstorm....he would have hollywood wiggle through the backseat(an opening the size of a baskteball) to unlock the car doors. somehow, hollywood squeezed himself through the opening, twisting and turning his arms and head in ways that would make world famous contortionists proud!! as soon as he gets to the door and unlocks it, stevie rod, with a very puzzled look on his face, motions to decelie and makes a hand gesture of someone opening their car door with a remote car door opener. decelie then looks in his hand and notices he just made hollywood do the best pretzel impersonation he's ever seen all for nothing!!! decelie cracks up, stevie rod cracks up, and i nod my head in disbelief. luckily, hollywood was still trying to wriggle free from the trunk and missed this or he might have locked decelie in the trunk. well, like they say, "he's a dick", but he's our dick....on a footnote, i'm sure we made a good impression on jay's new neighbors with our antics....puerto ricans crawling through car trunks, white guys (tommy) passed out in the back of a pickup trunk amid empty beer cans, and another three guys in the upstairs window eating tasty chicken watching three mexicans work their ass off!!! WE RULE!!!

Ronster  replies:

hey DC, I'm still dying from that story...I was at stevie
and lulu's yesterday and he was telling me the
story...I'm still laughing just picturing him chillin'
and giving directions on where to put shit.  It's good
to be king..
